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Allen & Heath AR84 Expander Audiorack schwarz

Item: PAH0016756-000
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The AR84 is an expander audio interface rack for the Allen & Heath GLD and Qu digital mixing systems. It provides 8 remote cont...  All product info

€ 780.70 ca. kr 8,047.85
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Product information - AR84 Expander AudioRack

The AR84 is an expander audio interface rack for the Allen & Heath GLD and Qu digital mixing systems. It provides 8 remote controlled mic/line preamps and 4 XLR line outputs. Up to two AR84 AudioRacks can be added to a GLD system. The AR84 can connect directly to the mixer or to the AR2412 AudioRack to expand the number of system inputs and outputs. The AR84 is simply an audio interface. It cannot be used by itself. It must connect to the GLD or Qu mixer which is where the audio is processed.
The AR84 is not compatible with Allen & Heath iLive Series components or ACE connection.

  • 8 XLR Inputs
  • 4 XLR Outputs
  • 19" / 1U


  • Manufacturer: Allen & Heath
Allen & Heath AR84 Expander Audiorack schwarz Product ImageAllen & Heath AR84 Expander Audiorack schwarz
€ 780.70

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