O seu feedback


Unbelievable performance and unbelievably good value! With lightmaXX, MUSIC STORE professional exclusively offers a wide range of innovative equipment for lighting systems and stage technology. more...

Disponibilidade imediata
288,40 €
Disponibilidade imediata
94,90 €
Disponibilidade imediata
189,00 €
Disponibilidade imediata
38,90 €
Disponibilidade imediata
24,90 €
Disponibilidade imediata
459,00 €

Things to know about lightmaXX

In order to meet the demand for high-performance lighting technology at reasonable prices, MUSIC STORE professional has created this brand for our customers. The lightmaXX Platinum Line stands for a product range with high quality standards.

lightmaXX has long since made a name for itself in LED technology and continuously introduces new and innovative products. This makes lightmaXX a sought-after and reliable partner for professional users. In the field of laser technology, optimal solutions for every event are created thanks to the professional SHOWLASER projectors.