Votre feedback


Our name stands for high, reliable quality and fair trade. The company was founded in the early 1990s as a department of the Hermann Adammin company in Dachau and has been an independent company since 1995. With its instrument, microphone and loudspeaker cables, multicore systems, adapters and DMX, MIDI and digital audio cables, it has developed into a globally important cable manufacturer whose products are also used by many established artists. Read more...

Disponible immédiatement
77,70 €
Disponible immédiatement
129,00 €
Disponible immédiatement
96,00 €
Disponible immédiatement
355,00 €
Disponible immédiatement
211,00 €
Disponible immédiatement
315,00 €
Disponible immédiatement
73,70 €
Commandés, probablement en stock vers le : 29 juin 2024
3,90 €
Commandés, probablement en stock vers le : 29 juin 2024
77,00 €
Commandés, probablement en stock vers le : 29 juin 2024
86,00 €
En cas de commande aujourdhui, probablement en stock vers le : 30 juin 2024
86,00 €
Commandés, probablement en stock vers le : 29 juin 2024
66,00 €


Cordial convinces with new and improved product lines. So INTRO became ESSENTIALS and offers reliable, affordable companions for stage, studio and everyday life. PEAK is now SELECT - a series whose microphone, instrument, light or data cables are ideally suited for professional applications. ENCORE was developed into PEAK. The series includes all cables with extraordinary design and special features like the High-Copper instrument and microphone cables. CEON will remain CEON as the popular DJ cables have long since become a classic.

Cordial cables always impress with a clear, unaltered sound, interference-free transmission, good workmanship and easy handling.

Quality and Integrity

Ethically responsible and transparent conduct towards customers, suppliers and retailers is a key priority of the business philosophy. Thus, fair conditions, good quality and excellent value for money can always be expected.