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Elektron Model:Samples

Товар: SYN0006852-000
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The Elektron Model: Samples is a compact 6-track sample player with sequencer which goes in a completely new direction in te...  Вся информация о товаре

268,10 €
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Информация о продукте - Model:Samples

Elektron Model: Samples Groovebox

The Elektron Model: Samples is a compact 6-track sample player with sequencer which goes in a completely new direction in terms of design and concept. The new, flat case, together with the display and encoders, clearly sets itself apart from Elektron's previous instruments. 300x drum and synth sounds are factory installed, but can be replaced and loaded with 1GB samples via USB. The sounds provided in the project can be organized in drum kits on 6x tracks and processed directly with 15x controls. Parameters for playback, filters, LFO and effects conjure up new variations of the loaded material in no time at all.

This sequencer offers 6x audio or MIDI tracks. Micro-timing, swing and individual step lengths of 1-64 steps per track allow exciting patterns even beyond the 4/4 grid. Of course you don't have to miss the beloved parameter locks! As the first device from Elektron, the Model: Samples contains all relevant parameters directly on the user interface, eliminating the need to jump between menu pages. The compact lightweight finds its place almost everywhere and is ready for use after a few seconds of loading. It is advisable to think of the MIDI adapter cable when changing location.

With the current OS 1.02 it is now also possible to assign an individual sample to each step (sample lock). This process is explained in the included video content.

Introducing Model:Samples



  • Производитель: Elektron
  • Конструкция/количество клавиш: Рабочий стол без клавиатуры
  • чувствительный к скорости: Да
  • Количество регуляторов: 16
  • Количество клавиш: 37
  • Дисплей: Да
  • USB MIDI интерфейс: Да
  • Подключение наушников: 6.3 мм
  • Варианты крепления: MIDI-шаговый секвенсор
  • Сэмплер: Да
  • Хранилище медиа-файлов: Internal Flash Drive
  • MIDI интерфейс: Да
  • Линейный выход: Да
  • Адаптер питания в комплекте: Да
  • Вес (кг): 0,81
  • Кнопки с подсветкой: Да
  • Процессор встроенных эффектов: Да
  • Адаптер питания: Адаптер, внешний
  • Ширина (см): 27
  • Высота (см): 4
  • Глубина (см): 18
Elektron Model:Samples Изображение товараElektron Model:Samples
268,10 €
587,40 €
360,50 €
335,30 €
335,30 €
226,10 €

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Синтезаторы: видео

Пианино: видео

Клавишные: видео