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Cancelation for parcel transactions

If your are a consumer and have concluded with us a contract outside of our business premises or through a distance contract for the sale of goods, and especially if you have purchased one or more goods in our online-shop, you have the right to withdraw from that contract with the provisions set out below:

Cancelation information

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to revoke your contractual agreement within 14 days without stating reasons. The time limit is 14 days, beginning on the day that you or a representative that is not the carrier has taken possession of the goods.

To execute your right of withdrawal, you have to inform us (Music Store professional GmbH, Istanbulstraße 22-26, 51103 Köln, E-Mail: through a clear declaration (for example a postal letter or email) stating your decision to withdrawal from the contract. Therefore you may use the attached standard cancelation form, which is however not mandatory.

You can fill out the standard cancelation form or another clear declaration on our website electronically and transmit it to us via email or post service. (Download the cancelation form as PDF file)

To meet the time limit, it is sufficient that you sent your cancelation declaration before that time limit has expired.

Consequences of cancelation

If you withdraw from this contract, we have to refund all payments that we have received from you, including carriage costs and excluding additional costs that have arisen due to the fact that you had chosen a different kind of delivery other than the offered cheap standard delivery). The repayment has to occur at the latest within 14 days, beginning on the day that your cancelation declaration has reached us. The repayment will be made with the same payment procedure that you have originally chosen for the transaction unless expressly agreed otherwise; no repayment fees will be charged.

We have the right to refuse repayment until the goods have been returned to us or until you have given evidence that you have send the goods back to us, depending on which is the earlier moment in time.

You are obliged to return the goods within 14 days, beginning on the day of your cancelation declaration. You may return it personally or by shipment. The deadline is met if you return the goods before the withdrawal period has expired. We bear the costs of the goods’ return.

You shall only be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary.


Legal exclusion of the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts that regulate

  • the delivery of goods that are not pre-manufactured and for whose manufacture an individual choice or designation of the consumer is significant or that have been obviously accommodated to the personal requirements of the consumer
  • the delivery of goods that are quickly perishable or which are liable to expire rapidly.
  • the delivery of sealed goods that, due to requirements of health protection of hygiene are not suitable for restitution, if the seal has been removed after delivery
  • the delivery of goods that have been inseparably mixed with other goods
  • the delivery of alcoholic beverages whose prices have been agreed upon at the moment of contract conclusion, that however can be delivered at the earliest thirty days after contract conclusion and whose actual value is depended on extreme volatility in the market, which cannot be influenced by the entrepreneur
  • the delivery of audio- /video recordings or computer software in a sealed packaging, if the packaging have been removed after delivery
  • the delivery of digital content not on a physical data medium, if the business has begun the execution of the contract after the consumer has expressly agreed that the business will begin the execution of the contract before the expiry of the revocation period, and has confirmed his knowledge that he loses his right of revocation through his consent with the start of the execution of the contract
  • the delivery of newspapers, magazines or journals, hereby excluding subscription contracts
  • transactions during which the consumer requests the entrepreneur expressly to visit him, to perform necessary repair and maintenance work; this does not apply further services that have not been expressly requested by the consumer or in regards to goods being delivered while performing the repair / maintenance work and that are not necessarily needed for the repair or maintenance as spare parts
  • B2B (Business-to-business) transactions are exempt from consumer contracts (distance selling regulations). No refunds will be given for returned items, but a store credit will be raised to the value of returned goods.

Non-EU-customers do not have the right to withdraw from the contract. For those customers, only the “music store 30-days-money-back-guarantee for distance contracts” apply.

General remarks

  • Please avoid damaging or debasing the goods. Return the goods in the original packaging with all accessories and with the parts of packaging. If necessary, please use a protecting secondary packaging. Should you not possess the regional packaging anymore, please use a suitable packaging in order to protect the goods from transport damages.
  • Please do not return the goods per freight collect. Please ask us for the return receipt. We will provide that immediately and make the return process easier for you and us at the same time.
  • Please note that the modalities stated in the numbers 1-2 are not preconditions for the effective execution of the right of cancelation.

(Download the cancelation form as PDF file)

Cancelation for non-parcel transactions (carrier)

If your are a consumer and have concluded with us a contract outside of our business premises or through a distance contract for the sale of goods, and especially if you have purchased one or more goods in our online-shop, you have the right to withdraw from that contract with the provisions set out below:

Cancelation information

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to revoke your contractual agreement within 14 days without stating reasons. The time limit is 14 days, beginning on the day that you or a representative that is not the carrier has taken possession of the goods.

To execute your right of withdrawal, you have to inform us (Music Store professional GmbH, Istanbulstraße 22-26, 51103 Köln, E-Mail: through a clear declaration (for example a postal letter or email) stating your decision to withdrawal from the contract. Therefore you may use the attached standard cancelation form, which is however not mandatory.

You can fill out the standard cancelation form or another clear declaration on our website electronically and transmit it to us via email or post service. (Download the cancelation form as PDF file)

To meet the time limit, it is sufficient that you sent your cancelation declaration before that time limit has expired.

Consequences of cancelation

If you withdraw from this contract, we have to refund all payments that we have received from you, including carriage costs and excluding additional costs that have arisen due to the fact that you had chosen a different kind of delivery other than the offered cheap standard delivery). The repayment has to occur at the latest within 14 days, beginning on the day that your cancelation declaration has reached us. The repayment will be made with the same payment procedure that you have originally chosen for the transaction unless expressly agreed otherwise; no repayment fees will be charged.

We will collect all goods.

We bear the goods’ return costs.

You shall only be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary.


Legal exclusion of the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts that regulate

  • the delivery of goods that are not pre-manufactured and for whose manufacture an individual choice or designation of the consumer is significant or that have been obviously accommodated to the personal requirements of the consumer
  • the delivery of goods that are quickly perishable or which are liable to expire rapidly.
  • the delivery of sealed goods that, due to requirements of health protection of hygiene are not suitable for restitution, if the seal has been removed after delivery
  • the delivery of goods that have been inseparably mixed with other goods
  • the delivery of alcoholic beverages whose prices have been agreed upon at the moment of contract conclusion, that however can be delivered at the earliest thirty days after contract conclusion and whose actual value is depended on extreme volatility in the market, which cannot be influenced by the entrepreneur
  • the delivery of audio- /video recordings or computer software in a sealed packaging, if the packaging have been removed after delivery
  • the delivery of digital content not on a physical data medium, if the business has begun the execution of the contract after the consumer has expressly agreed that the business will begin the execution of the contract before the expiry of the revocation period, and has confirmed his knowledge that he loses his right of revocation through his consent with the start of the execution of the contract
  • the delivery of newspapers, magazines or journals, hereby excluding subscription contracts
  • transactions during which the consumer requests the entrepreneur expressly to visit him, to perform necessary repair and maintenance work; this does not apply further services that have not been expressly requested by the consumer or in regards to goods being delivered while performing the repair / maintenance work and that are not necessarily needed for the repair or maintenance as spare parts
  • B2B (Business-to-business) transactions are exempt from consumer contracts (distance selling regulations). No refunds will be given for returned items, but a store credit will be raised to the value of returned goods.

Non-EU-customers do not have the right to withdraw from the contract. For those customers, only the “music store 30-days-money-back-guarantee for distance contracts” apply.

General remarks

Please avoid damaging or debasing the goods. Return the goods in the original packaging with all accessories and with the parts of packaging. If necessary, please use a protecting secondary packaging. Should you not possess the regional packaging anymore, please use a suitable packaging in order to protect the goods from transport damages.

Please note that the aforementioned modalities are not preconditions for the effective execution of the right of cancelation.

(Download the cancelation form as PDF file)